Program Overview
The Stage Right: Empowered Theatre Building for Behavioral Health program is holistic behavioral health curriculum which addresses reproductive health, substance use prevention, and arts education. The program utilizes behavioral skill building as well as theatre arts techniques as its core pedagogy. The approach of this is developmentally appropriate and intends to promote youth’s competency in behavioral skills and dramatic performance arts.
Program Structure
The Stage Right: Empowered Theatre Building for Behavioral Health is a fifteen session program. The program is centered on three main primary learning objectives: Intrapersonal Skills; Interpersonal Skills; and High Risk Behavior Objectives. Within these primary objectives are secondary objectives:
Intrapersonal Skills:
1. Goal Setting
2. Self-Respect
3. Decision Making
Interpersonal Skills:
4. Effective Communication/ Boundary Setting
High Risk Behavior Avoidance:
5. Identifying Risk
6. Tactics for Risk Avoidance
A core set of theatre arts techniques are utilized repeatedly to reinforce the behavioral skills in a human centered way. The theatre arts techniques include character building (persona profiles, walk a mile, shadow walk); image theatre (dueling images); and scene devising (story circle, 3 tableaus, and make a scene).